Manage domains (Legacy backup)
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  3. Manage domains (Legacy backup)

Can I change the domain registered with SysCloud?

Yes. You can change your domain, but you cannot delete the original domain that you registered with SysCloud.

Follow these steps to change your domain in the SysCloud Backup Application:

  • Log in to SysCloud application with your G Suite or Office 365 credentials.
  • Click “Setup”→“Manage Cloud Apps.”
Manage cloud apps
  • Click “Add Account” and select the cloud service you want to add (G Suite or Office 365).
Add Account
  • Choose the type of domain: Primary or Secondary and fill in the text boxes.
  • Click “+ADD DOMAIN.”
add domain

Your new domain will be added for online backup.

If you want to use the new domain as your primary domain, it is recommended to change your primary email id for receiving updates.

To update your primary email id registered with SysCloud, follow these steps:

  • Click on “Hello (Username)” icon on the top right-hand side of the window and select “My Account.”
My Account
  • Click the edit icon under the account details.
Update email id-1
  • Enter the new domain admin’s email ID and save the changes made.
admin change


  • If you want to use only the new domain, change your domain administrator email id by clicking “Backup”→“Settings”→“Backup Settings.”
Backup settings-1
  • Scroll down and change the domain administrator email id.

    Domain admin email
  • Click “SAVE SETTINGS” to update the email id.

Shared drive - Save settings