
How do I create a policy to scan Shared drives (Team Drive)?

Follow these steps to create a policy for scanning Shared drives:

    1. Log in to the SysCloud Application with your account credentials.
    2. Click “Safety, Security & Compliance”→“Create Policy.”
      create policy-2
    3. Select “DLP.”
    4. Select the type of policy.
      policy type
    5. Enter the name for the policy and click “NEXT.”
      policy name-1
    6. Select “Shared Drive.”
      shared drive
    7. Check any of the following options:
      a. All Shared Drives: if you want all the Shared Drives (Team Drives) to be covered under the policy, select this option.
      b. Specific Team Drives: if you want to scan only certain Shared Drives (Team Drives), select this option and enter the names of the required Shared drives.
      Select shared drives
    8. Choose whether you want to apply the policy to all of the files and folders in the Shared Drive and click “Next.”
      document criteria
    9. Set the content conditions to be checked in the policy scan by clicking “ADD” and click “NEXT.”
      Content conditions
    10. Check this option you want to encrypt the files in case of violations and click “NEXT.”
      Real-time actions
    11. Select whether you want to allow users to request exceptions on policy violations and click “NEXT.”
      Exception management
    12. Choose the people to be notified in case of policy violations. You can also select whether the policy violations need to be included in the daily summary email.

      Incident reporting and communication
    13. Click “CREATE & ACTIVATE.”

      Create & activate