
Why am I not able to restore emails to a particular user’s inbox?

If you are not able to restore emails, it could be due to these reasons:

  • Permission issues associated with your access credentials: being an end user or admin has its limitations; only a super admin has complete access.
  • The user account to which you want to restore data could be suspended or deleted.
  • Technical issues such as server connectivity problems or server shut down.

If you are not a super admin, you cannot restore data from the backup of one user to another user’s account (cross-user account restore). Contact your super admin to restore the emails.

If you are a super admin, follow these steps to fix the issue:

  • Click “Backup”→“Settings.”
Backup Settings
  • Navigate to “Manage Users.”
Manage users
  • Select “Notification” to view the list of errors and instructions to resolve them.
Manage users-notification


Check if archived content visibility is turned on.

  • Go to “Backup”→“Settings.”
  • Select “Backup Settings.”
SysCloud backup settings
  • Toggle the Admin access to archived user content to “ON”.
Grant admin access
  • Check “Apply to backup archives for all current users” and click “SAVE SETTINGS.”
Domain administrator email

If you are still facing an issue with restoring emails, reach out to us at