How do I start a full account restore for Google Workspace?

Full account restore is available at a user level. You can restore one user's archive at a time.

Choose the UI version - Turbo UI | Legacy UI

Turbo UI

Step 1: Log in to SysCloud using your admin credentials.  

Step 2: Click on “Archives” and select Google Workspace from the Backup and Restore dropdown. Select an account and domain from the list to view your archives.  

Step 3: Navigate to the user archives tab and select the checkbox next to the username.

Step 4: Click on 'Restore'.

Step 5: In the restore pop-up screen restore each app with the permissions you need and click on the "Restore & proceed" button to continue restore for the rest of the apps. 

Legacy UI
  • Log in to SysCloud Backup Application with your credentials.
  • Click “Backup” → “Archive & Restore.”
    Archive and Restore-1
  • Select the username of the account you want to restore.
    View Backup Archive
  • Select the service for the user:
    * MAIL: Gmail
    * DRIVE: Drive
    * CONTACT: Contacts
    * CALENDAR: Calendar
    * SITES: Google Sites    
    Select the services


  • Click “Restore”→“All.”
    Restore all-1
  • Click “Restore.”


    1. You can change the email id here if you want to restore the data to another user (cross-user restore) – this is applicable only if you are a super admin.
    2. Check the “Check to restore a file with share permission” option if you want to retain sharing permissions on the restored files – this is applicable only for Drive and OneDrive applications.
  • Click “Yes.”
    Confirm the action
  • Repeat the procedure for all the services.


1. You can restore only one service at a time.

2. You cannot restore archived data into a user account on a different domain. You can only restore data to a user in the same domain.

3. As an admin, you can turn on self-service restore for the “Backup” module.

  • Click “Setup”→“Settings”→“End-User Access.”
End-user access
  • Toggle Backup to “ON” at the domain level, user level, or organization unit level.
    Toggle backup to ON
  • Click “Yes.”
    Enable access to backup app


To test out the restores, we recommend the following:

  • Use a temporary new user account as the destination account: To ensure that the restored version does not overwrite the current version of a file.
  • Check the option “Create a new folder/label for restore” for Drive/email restores: To filter and easily access the restored files/emails.