How to export Grades data in Google Classroom from the SysCloud backup application?

Applicable for both Turbo and Legacy backup versions

Choose the version   Turbo backup | Legacy backup

Turbo backup

Follow the below steps to export Grades data in Google Classroom from the SysCloud backup archives:

  • Step 1: Log in to the SysCloud backup application using your super admin credentials. 
  • Step 2: Navigate to Archives and select Google Classroom from the Backup and Restore drop-down menu. 

Archives - Google Classroom

  • Step 3: Click on the Classroom from which you need to export Grades data.

    Click Classroom
  • Step 4: Navigate to the Grades tab. This will display all the Classwork titles in the selected Classroom along with their Grades data. Choose the required backup snapshot and click Apply.

    Navigate to Grades
  • Step 5:  Select the required Classwork titles and click Export. In the pop-up that appears, add any comments (optional) to be shown in the export report and click Export.  If you want to export Grades data at a student level, go to step 6.

    Choose the required classwork titles and export
    Export pop-up-1
    Note: You can also click on a student name to view the data for only that student.
    Click a student name
  • Step 6: To export the data at a student level, select one or more students from the given list, choose the required snapshot, and click Export. In the pop-up that appears, add any comments (optional) to be shown in the export report and click Export. This will export all the Grades data for the selected student.

    Select student name and click export
    Export pop-up0

To see the export progress, navigate to Reports, and select Export report under Google Workspace in the Reports drop-down. 

Export reports0

You can download the exported data using the download link in the Export report. The link will be active for only 7 days.
Download exports

Legacy backup

Follow the below steps to export the Grade data in Google Classroom from the SysCloud backup archives:

  • Step 1: Log in to the SysCloud backup application using your admin credentials.
  • Step 2: Click Backup→Archive & Restore.

  • Step 3: Select the Classroom tab and select the account to export the data.

  • Step 4: Select the “Grades” tab.
  • Step 5: Select the file(s) by clicking on the checkbox next to the file name.
  • Step 6: Click on “Export” and choose either all or selected assignments/students.

  • Step 7: Select “Export” to confirm the export.

  • Step 8: Click on “Export Report” to check the status.

  • Step 9: Click “Download” to download the exported file.