How can I restore my Outlook data from the SysCloud backup archives?

Applicable for the Turbo backup version

To restore your Outlook data from the SysCloud backup archives, follow the below steps: 

  • Step 1: Log in to SysCloud using your admin credentials. 
  • Step 2: Click on “Archives” and select “Outlook” from the Backup and Restore drop-down. 

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  • Step 3: Select the user whose Outlook data needs to be restored by clicking the checkbox next to the user account. Click “Restore.”  

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Note: If you need to restore specific emails or folders, click on the user account to go to the Outlook archives for that user. You can either perform a mail-level restore or a folder-level restore. Select one or more emails or folders and click “Restore.”  

  • Step 4: In the restore pop-up box, select the snapshot date and time, and select an account to restore the data to. 

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Note: By default, data is restored to the same account from which it was deleted. To perform a cross-user restore, you can select a different account of the same domain. 

  • Step 5: To restore deleted mails to a custom folder, click the checkbox next to " Restore to custom folder.” If this option is unchecked, the selected data will be restored to its original location.  

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    Note: When you choose the “Restore to custom folder” option, the application will create a default “Restored on (dd-mm-yy)folder in your inbox and restore emails under it. 
  • Step 6: Add comments to be shown in the restore report (optional) and click on “Restore” to confirm the restore.  

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You can see the restore progress in the restore reports. To access restore reports, navigate to Reports -> Microsoft 365