How do I restore a Shared Drive (Team Drive)?

Follow these steps to restore a Shared Drive:


Choose the UI version - Turbo UI | Legacy UI

Follow the steps below to restore Shared Drive files from the Turbo version of the SysCloud backup application: 

Step 1: Log in to SysCloud using your admin credentials.  

Step 2: Click on “Archives” and select Google Workspace from the Backup and Restore dropdown. 

Step 3: Navigate to the app archives tab and click on 'Shared Drive' to drill down into the archive. 

Step 4: Select the files you want to restore and click the restore button. 

Step 5: In the restore pop-up box, select an account to restore the data and click restore.

Legacy UI

  1. Log in to SysCloud Backup Application with your G Suite credentials.
  2. Click “Backup” → “Archive & Restore.

    Archive and Restore-1
  3. Locate the user and select “Drive.”
  4. Select the files and folders.

    Shared Drive - Select Files
  5. Click “Restore”→“Selected Items.”

    Office 365 restore all

If you are unable to find the option, follow these steps to enable “Shared Drive.”

  1. Click “Backup” → “Settings” → “Backup Settings.”

    Backup settings-1
  2. Under the “Data” section, toggle ‘Include Shared Drive” to “ON.”

    Data settings
  3. Click “SAVE SETTINGS.”

    Shared drive - Save settings


  1. You can also enable Shared Drive at the organizational unit level and user level.
  2. When you enable Shared Drive for a user account, it will take about 24 to 36 hours to be activated.