Security & Compliance

How to preview details of Security & Compliance alerts?

To identify security & compliance alerts, use any of the following approaches -

  1. Open the Security & Compliance quick link from the main dashboard.
  2. Locate the Compliance widget Expand the widget to view all alerts categorized by violation type. Clicking the aggregate count or violation count will be redirected to a consolidated view.
    1. This view displays an overall summary of alerts across different applications and users.
    2. Select View More to drill down to a specific user or application.

  1. Items with Security & Compliance violations will be tagged with the name of the violated compliance policy.
  2. Click on the tag to preview details of the alert.
    1. In the archives, use the Security & Compliance filter to locate entities with data flagged with compliance violations.
    2. Drill down with the same filter to reach the last level of archives. 
    3. Each flagged item is labeled with the policy name for which the violation was detected.
    4. Click on the tag to preview details of the alert.