If a user was a member of a Shared Drive, would the files be listed under the Drive section with “My Drive?”

Applicable for both Turbo and Legacy backup versions.

Choose the UI version - Turbo UI | Legacy UI

In the Turbo UI Shared Drive is available as a separate app independent of your Google Drive app. To view the Shared Drive files: 

1. Click on 'Archives' on the menu bar.

2. Navigate to the 'App archives' tab and select the option 'Shared Drive'.

Alternatively, you can also use the drop-down menu on the archives page to reach the Shared Drive archive.

If you are unable to find the option navigate to the 'Jobs' page and check if Shared Drive backup is enabled in the backup job.

Legacy UI

Yes. If a user is a member of a Shared Drive, all Drive files will be listed in the user's Drive archive.

If you are unable to find the option, follow these steps to enable “Shared Drive” for a user.

  1. Click “Backup” → “Settings” → “Manage Users.”

    Manage users-2
  2. Locate the user by entering the username in the search bar and click the “Settings” icon.

    Settings icon
  3. Toggle the Shared Drive to “ON.”

    Include shared drive to On
  4. Click “✓ SAVE SETTINGS.”

    Save Settings-1

Note: When you enable Shared Drive for a user account, it will take about 24 to 36 hours to be activated.