How do I restore groups and group members?

Follow these steps to restore groups and group members:

  • Click “Backup”→“Settings”→“Manage Groups.”
Manage Group
  • Select the groups.
Check the groups
  • Click “Restore”→“Selected Items.”
Restore group


Check the progress of the Group restore by selecting “Backup”→“Reports”→“Group Restore Report” and clicking “View Status.”

How do I restore a group’s email archive?

Follow these steps to restore a group’s email archive:

  1.  Click “Backup”→“Archive & Restore.”

    Archive and Restore-1
  2. Locate the user and select “Mail.” 
  3. Select the files that need to be restored and click “Restore”→“Selected Label.”

    Restore Mail

Note: Follow the same steps for restoring Office 365 data. Select the “Mail” app for restoring Outlook data.

How do I restore a group’s Google Drive archive?

Follow these steps to restore a group’s Drive archive:

  1. Click “Backup” → “Archive & Restore.”

    G Suite backup and restore option
  2. Select “Drive,” choose the files and folders, and click “Restore”→“Selected Folder.”

    Restore all-2
    Note: Follow the same steps for restoring Office 365 data. Select the “Drive” app for restoring OneDrive data.