How to avoid/reduce false-positive alerts?

You can minimize false-positive alerts by electing to receive notifications only for high-risk violations. Follow these steps to adjust the notification alerts setting:

  1. Log in to SysCloud with your account credentials.
  2. Based on the type of policy you want to modify, click on any of the following options:
    1. “DLP”→“Policies”
    2. “Apps Firewall”→“Policies”
    3. “User Behavior”→“Policies”
    4. “Compliance”→“Policies.”
    5. “Web Filter”→“Flagged activities.”

      Policy not working_policies
  3. Click on “Edit” button under the “Actions” section.

    risk alerts_edit policy
  4. Under the “Incident reporting and communication,” select “High risk” for “Incident notifications.”

    risk alerts_high risk
    Repeat the steps for any other policy if needed.