The SysCloud Backup Application has the following reports:
1. Activity report: The activity report shows the activity of each user in your domain. You can filter the activity report based on these factors:
* Activity type: Click the drop-down list to filter based on the type of activity.
* Date: Choose dates for checking activity between specific dates.
* Username or Email address: Enter the email ID or username to filter a particular user’s activity.
2. Restore report: The restore report displays information about the restore process in your domain. You can filter the restore report based on these parameters:
* Restore type: Filter data based on whether a single item, select folder or the entire account data was restored.
* Apps: Filter the exported data by the type of application.
* Type of Cloud: Choose G Suite or Office 365.
* Domain name: If you have multiple domains, select the domain name.
* Username or Email address: Enter the email ID or username to filter a particular user’s restore activity.
* Status: Filter based on the status of the restore process, i.e., whether it is in progress, completed, got canceled, or failed.
* Date: Check restore activity between two dates.
Note: The restore report also displays whether the data restoration was made to the same user account or a different user account (cross-user restore), along with the details of the user who had initiated the restore.
3. Export report: The export report displays information about the data export process in your domain. You can filter the export report based on these parameters:
* Export type: Filter data based on whether a single item, select folder or the entire account data was exported.
* Apps: Filter the exported data by the type of application.
* Type of Cloud: Choose G Suite or Office 365.
* Domain name: If you have multiple domains, select the domain name.
* Username or Email address: Enter the email ID or username to filter a particular user’s export activity.
* Status: Filter based on the status of the export process, i.e., whether it is in progress, got completed, completed with exceptions, got canceled, or failed.
* Date: Check export activity between two dates.
Note: The export report also displays the details of the user who had initiated the export process.
4. User summary report: View the complete details of a user’s backup archive. Click here to know more.
5. Domain summary report: View a domain’s complete details of data backup. Click here to know more.
6. Status report: View the sync status of each user in your domain. You can filter the status of data based on the following factors:
* Type of application: Drive, email, calendar, contacts, or type of sync
* Type of sync/issue: The status of sync or issue for a specific process
* Activity date: Check the status of processes between two dates
* Username/email address of a user: Enter the email ID or username to filter a particular user’s status on the sync process
* Status: Filter based on the type of issue or status on different processes.
- You can view the reports by clicking “Backup”→“Reports”→“[Name of the report.]”
- Email notifications for export or restore of user account data will be sent to the admin’s email address.
- Alerts will be shown in the application for errors in the backup process.