Backup archives

How do I view the folders in my or OneDrive application’s backup archive?

Follow these steps to view the folder structure of a user’s OneDrive backup archive:

Choose the UI version - Turbo UI | Legacy UI

    In Turbo UI:
    1. Log in to the SysCloud application.
    2. Click on the 'Archives' option in the menu bar.
    3. In the 'User archives' tab click on the user whose Drive data you want to view.
    4. Click on 'OneDrive' in the selected user archive to view files. 
      5. Alternatively you can navigate to the OneDrive archives from the drop-down app menu on the Archives page. 

    Legacy UI
    1. Log in to the SysCloud Application.
    2. Click “Backup”→“Archive & Restore.”

      Archive and Restore-1
    3. Locate the user and click on the right caret '>' icon beside the “My Drive” folder to see the folder structure.

      Drive restore