Security & Compliance

What pre-defined compliance policies does SysCloud scan the data?

SysCloud scans for a range of pre-defined compliance policies to help organizations ensure adherence to industry regulations and secure sensitive data. Here is an overview of the policies - 

  1. PCI: Ensures compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard to protect payment cardholder information.
  2. FERPA: Safeguards student education records as required under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
  3. HIPAA: Monitors compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act to protect sensitive health information.
  4. CIPA: Supports compliance with the Children's Internet Protection Act to filter harmful online content in schools and libraries.
  5. Movies & Audio Filter: Identifies files containing unauthorized or restricted movie or audio content to prevent data misuse.
  6. IEP: Helps secure Individualized Education Plans in compliance with educational privacy regulations.
  7. Sensitive Auth Data: Detects and protects sensitive authentication data, such as passwords and PINs, to prevent data breaches.
  8. Confidential Data: Flags documents containing proprietary or confidential information to prevent unauthorized access or sharing.
  9. Sales Data: Identifies and protects sensitive sales-related information, such as pricing and revenue reports.
  10. Marketing Data: Monitors the sharing of sensitive marketing data, including campaigns, leads, and customer insights.