Advanced ransomware recovery
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What is Advanced Ransomware Recovery?

Typically, when a ransomware affects a drive, it encrypts all the files present in the drive and deletes the safe version of the file.

We scan your backups to detect files that have been potentially encrypted by ransomware(will be referred as "encrypted"  in the rest of the article) and provide you options to recover from the attack unharmed. 

We will be flagging all the encrypted files, which you can view in the "Ransomware reports" under the Reports section of the application.
You can perform the following actions on the identified encrypted file:
1. Dismiss: If you think the flagged file is a false positive, you can choose to dismiss the alert. This will help our algorithm learn and not flag the same file again.

2. Restore: You have a few options to restore a safe version of the file back to your drive:
From SysCloud Recommended files: Our algorithm recommends the safe version of files that could possibly have been encrypted by Ransomware. 

Deleted files: We present you with a list of files from the last safe snapshot because typically Ransomware deletes a file after encrypting it.

3. Delete: The option to delete the encrypted file from both your SysCloud archives and Drive.