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What is group sync and how do I initiate it?
Performing a group sync gets the list of groups from your connected Microsoft 365 account. The group sync also gets the group status (active, suspended, or deleted). Group sync is required for successful job creation.
- By default, SysCloud automatically performs group sync once every 24 hours.
- If you have added a new user/group to your account, you would need to sync the list of groups before job creation. Only then you’ll be able to add them to the backup job.
Follow the steps below to initiate a group sync:
Step 1: Navigate to the Settings icon and click “Cloud Connection Center” from the dropdown menu.
Step 2: In the Cloud Connection Center, click the pencil icon next to Microsoft 365.
Step 3: In the Connection Status pop-up, select the account or individual domains for which you want to perform the group sync. Click the "Sync” button and select “Group Sync” to sync the groups of the account/domains selected.